

Put On the SCARF

By |August 7th, 2021|Categories: Navigating change, Relationships, Small Business|

Volatility is still high in our world. Reports of a recent uptick of Covid has created uncertainty of how school will look this year and the possibility of travel restrictions. This along with whatever is going on in your family, job or business and it’s enough to trigger feelings of anxiousness in just about anyone. [...]

Margin Is Key in a Crazy World

By |June 3rd, 2021|Categories: Authentic Living, Intentional Living, Mindset, Reframing|Tags: , , |

Margin Is Key in a Crazy World Perhaps you’ve noticed that life continues to be “crazy”. This is due to continued uncertainty in the world and a hectic pace which is accelerating as more and more opens up, post pandemic.  I realize not all readers are there yet, but things will open up for everyone [...]

Daily Success Habits

By |May 6th, 2021|Categories: Goals, Intentional Living, Mindset, Priorities, Spiritual Formation, Thought life, Time management|

I’m leading a Mastermind group right now for coaches seeking to grow their businesses. It’s a terrific group of dedicated professionals. One of the areas we focus on is how to be strategic in managing time and energy because these are two resources we don’t want to run short on. The reason? Because we are [...]

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