Happy Spring! It has been wonderful to enjoy longer days here in the Northern Hemisphere and the gradual warmth of Spring. Signs of life abound everywhere! Something my wife and I are doing for the first time is growing seedlings for flowers and vegetables. It’s definitely been a learning experience, but we’ve enjoyed watching the first signs of life burst forth in pots and planting our “babies” in the garden.

What’s been planted in you?

It’s easy to feel ordinary in this world, isn’t it? Perhaps even today you woke up wondering about the purpose of your life? What’s next for you? The truth is that God has planted within you a dream, something he created you for. It’s inside of you and yearning to burst forth. Your dream may be clear or fuzzy but it’s there. And it’s up to you to take the steps in responding to God for it to become reality.

Maybe you don’t realize how important your dream is? Many dreamers don’t. But the reason God has given you a dream is to help others. You will certainly experience a life of greater joy and fulfillment, but don’t miss the fact that you are a lighthouse someone is looking for.

I know I certainly didn’t feel like a lighthouse 20 years ago when I first started wondering what dream God had for me. And it certainly hasn’t always been easy. I do know this. I would have never imagined 20 years ago the hundreds of lives I’ve been able to help to discover and live their dream.

Here is one example from Joshua who recently began his dream job: It is impossible for me to understate how influential and helpful Michael has been on my journey toward finding a satisfying, God-honoring career. Before engaging him as my coach, I felt completely lost and more than a little terrified. I had no idea what occupation I wanted or how to identify what jobs I was qualified for. After working with him for several months, I feel invincible! I speak with no exaggeration when I say that having Michael Pfau as a career coach was easily the most worthwhile investment I have ever made. I cannot recommend him highly enough!

I hope these words give you hope and encouragement to embrace your dream.

Whether it’s starting a business, new ministry, or finding a new vocation, the first step is for you to respond to that tug in your heart. Keep an eye out for the next newsletter where I’ll share common misconceptions and obstacles which keep people from living their dream. I’ll also introduce “Dream Camp”, an opportunity for you to engage this summer to discover and live your dream. Are you ready for what’s coming?

Let’s Connect: Feel free to schedule a 15-minute call to talk about your dream or anything else you would like input around.