Last month I shared about the SCARF model created by David Rock. This model gives insight on how we deal with threats that show up in our life (read the article). We’ve unpacked two of the elements of SCARF around Relationships and Fairness. This article is going to be about Certainty which is probably the #1 issue going on in the world today and potentially in your life. I know it sure is in mine.

The Issue:

Uncertainty can come at us in several ways. First is a planned life transition where you know a change is coming and you have time to plan and prepare for it. That doesn’t necessarily make it easier, but it allows for grief over the loss, good reminiscing, and celebration for a new chapter in life. We’re experiencing this now with our youngest daughter Grace completing college in August. We’ve known, planned, and participated in the college journey with her for years. We even helped make a dream she had from High School come true by joining her on a 12-day, five city road trip! But she has now stepped into adulthood and spreading her wings into the next chapter of her life.

Let’s Unpack This:

Our brains love certainty but life can be anything but certain. Something I’ve shared with Life IQ Living is you can’t control where you are on the river of life but you can control how you show up each day. The daily habit of tending to Spiritual, Emotional, Physical and Relational self-care. These are what help us stay the course and emerge stronger in uncertain times and life change.

Next time I’ll talk about the more difficult type of transitions, those that are unplanned and unexpected.

What About You?

So how about you? What feels uncertain in your life? I’d love to hear your experience so leave a comment below. If this resonates with you and you’d like talk more about this topic, please schedule a 15-minute call and we can explore this together.