Strategy and Support Group

Having your own coaching business can be isolating and lonely. As solo-preneurs we can find ourselves stuck in our head and desiring connection, a safe place to process ideas and trusted peers to strategize with. I know because I’ve been coaching for 20+ years and totally get it! If you can identify, please consider joining the Christian Coaches Strategy and Support Group.

The group meets twice a month where me and special guests share from a rich pool of resources and experience. The sharing time includes:

  • Check-in and prayer
  • One business development tool or tip from me or special guest
  • One coaching skill tool or tip from me or special guest
  • Focused group collaboration

Topics covered by our expert guests: leading workshops, leading groups, using LinkedIn to grow your business, the imposter syndrome, systems for success, dealing with discouragement and more! These guests are experts in their field and you’ll have a chance to ask YOUR questions and get their help in real time.

The strategy and support group is for six coaches who want to grow and expand their business. The group meets for an hour twice a month and makes a commitment to work together for 9 months*, with the goal that everyone in the group will experience connection and growth personally, professionally and in business income. The investment is only $247 per month but I’m offering an early bird special of $217 per month AND a 30-minute strategy call with me each month if you register here before end of day August 9!

Someone somewhere desperately needs what you offer as a coach, so if you are ready to level up and be part of collaborative community, I would love to have you join. Remember that I limit the size to just six people so you will get my focused attention to support you and your coaching business. Pray about it and feel free to Email or schedule a short call so I can answer any questions you might have. Otherwise, be sure to register here by the end of the day, Friday, August 9 if you are ready to jump in.

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