I’m leading a Mastermind group right now for coaches seeking to grow their businesses. It’s a terrific group of dedicated professionals. One of the areas we focus on is how to be strategic in managing time and energy because these are two resources we don’t want to run short on. The reason? Because we are stewards of our businesses and God is the owner. By stewarding our time and energy, well we are able to accomplish the things God intends for us and avoid distractions.

The Issue:

Busyness is a hallmark for small business owners. In fact most people when asked how they are doing say, “busy”. But there is a big difference between busyness and achievement. We can be busy and not see much accomplished but if we know how to manage ourselves, we can look at each day and see small achievements that lead to bigger progress. In a recent survey of Coaches, they reported some of the top issues they deal with are overwhelm, distractions, confusion and lack of clarity for next steps.

Let’s Unpack This:

As with most things, stewarding our time and energy is both a head and heart journey. The head is strategies and tactics. The heart, well, that has to do with faith. Faith in God’s character and promises. This hit me squarely recently. What I noticed when I would sit and be still was that an underlying sense of fear was at work in my mind and spirit. Fear of the future, fear of how things will work out, etc. You probably know what I mean. (See Matthew 6:34 if you want to know what Jesus had to say about living in the future.)

As I’ve pondered how to have a spirit of rest and lightness each day, God used Hebrews 3:19 to answer my question of how-to live-in partnership with Him. This verse states, “So we see that because of their [Israelites] unbelief they were not able to enter His [God’s] rest.”  Wow! God is offering His people rest but they chose to wander instead. For 40 years no less!

What About You?

There is always something else to do and having tools to practice daily habits of success like managing your calendar, having clear goals, working strategically, and avoiding overwhelm are important. But just as important is how you go through the day. Having a restful approach to your day will give you more energy, ideas and insight from God. You’ll see results you had nothing to do with, as a result of His favor because you believe Him and are resting in Him.

So give it a try. I’d love to hear your story so leave a comment below. If you’d like to help establishing successful habits yourself, please schedule a 15-minute call and we can explore what this could look like for you.