A Modern Day Rule of Life

It has been said that if you don't choose what matters most, someone or something will choose for you. With all the competing demands on our time, we naturally find ourselves dealing with the urgent but often missing what is really important in life. That is, unless you have a plan. "Embrace what is meaningful, [...]

Is Your Business Success Costing You Relationships?

As a small business owner or executive, you've worked tirelessly to build a successful career, and you've undoubtedly experienced the strain between professional success and personal relationships. It's a common theme I've seen among my clients: as their businesses flourish, their personal connections often face challenges. Marriages become strained, and the bond with children grows [...]

Feel weary? Distracted? Confused? Discover two words to change that!

Sometimes I just find myself feeling overwhelmed, distracted and a little confused. Do you ever feel this way? Running a small business requires that I fill several key roles. Unlike a ‘normal job’ that has a job description that says what you do, being a small business owner requires me to be the vision caster, [...]

From Employee to Entrepreneur

Four Key Mistakes to Avoid Many people who enter coaching come from a background of being employed either in a corporate environment or small business. Often the mindset of an employee is very different than the owner’s when it comes to the success of the company. In fact this is a key challenge a new [...]

2017-10-06T14:10:12-04:00By |Small Business|2 Comments
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