Is Your Business Success Costing You Relationships?

As a small business owner or executive, you've worked tirelessly to build a successful career, and you've undoubtedly experienced the strain between professional success and personal relationships. It's a common theme I've seen among my clients: as their businesses flourish, their personal connections often face challenges. Marriages become strained, and the bond with children grows [...]

Don’t Wait for Someday

It happened again, but this time I caught myself. In the midst of a tight schedule and long to-do list, I lost sight of "today". It's really easy for me to do because it feels really good to get things accomplished! Can you identify? But if I’m not careful I’ll get caught in the trap [...]

Giving Thanks even during Covid-19

The shadow of Covid-19 will influence how Thanksgiving and Christmas are celebrated for many of us this year. In times of trials, especially prolonged experiences like we’ve had with Covid-19, it is easy to focus on what we don’t have. It’s healthy to acknowledge loss so don’t deny or stuff those feelings. At the same [...]

My 7-Step Process to Plan for 2015

How do you want your life to look one year from now? Perhaps you are going through a life transition and want to navigate the journey wisely. Or maybe you just want 2015 to be better than 2014. Like many people, you probably have some area in life you want to improve so that you can [...]

Will you really have a Merry Christmas?

Busyness and distractions are the enemies of living with intention and purpose. We are heading into the time of year when busyness is probably at an all time high for most people. Perhaps you can identify with this experience. You create goals and you are clear on how you would like your day, week and [...]

Feel weary? Distracted? Confused? Discover two words to change that!

Sometimes I just find myself feeling overwhelmed, distracted and a little confused. Do you ever feel this way? Running a small business requires that I fill several key roles. Unlike a ‘normal job’ that has a job description that says what you do, being a small business owner requires me to be the vision caster, [...]

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