Retirement Resources

Welcome to the Resources Page. While working with coaching clients for over 20 years, I’ve come across many great resources to help build awareness, clarity and direction. Below is a compilation of assessments and other resources which are both industry leading and easy to understand. Enjoy!

Inspired Retirement PlannerIt has been reported that people who retire without a life plan receive an average of thirteen paychecks from social security before dying. Don’t become a statistic! The Inspired Retirement Planner will help you create a life plan for how you will spend your time, energy and resources after you retire. It guides you as you pursue your new identity and a purpose for the second half of your life. A purpose which will give each day meaning and significance. Order your copy today!

– Only $9.95

DISC WheelLearn to understand yourself and others! The DISC Personality  assessment is one of the most widely used worldwide. This questionnaire should take you no more than ten minutes to complete.

NOTE: The quiz is free and comes with a basic report. You can purchase a full report for $15 U.S. I receive no compensation for this.