How’s your New Year’s resolution?

February is a great time to revisit your intentions for 2023. Perhaps you had goals to make some changes in your health, relationships, finances, or career. If you’re like many you may be struggling to reach your goals and perhaps even given up. If you find yourself stuck, a technique to consider is “blameless discernment”.

Blameless discernment requires you to step back from your situation and look at it as a neutral third-party, maintaining objectivity. Doing this will allow you to notice not just your actions, or lack of action, but also your thinking.

Stanford lecturer Shirzad Chamin states, “lasting positive change is 20% insight and 80% mental muscle”. Change is possible because your brain has this great ability, known as neuroplasticity, to rewire itself. It is this rewiring that plays a key role in making change and reaching your goals for 2023. The good news is that this rewiring is possible even into your 90s!

So if you find yourself stuck, or having given up on your intentions for 2023, consider practicing blameless discernment to uncover the beliefs and habits that are holding you back. Once you’ve done this, use visioning to practice the habits and “see yourself” reaching the goals that you want to achieve.

I’d love to hear what you do to get unstuck so feel free to leave a comment with this post.