Giving Thanks even during Covid-19

The shadow of Covid-19 will influence how Thanksgiving and Christmas are celebrated for many of us this year. In times of trials, especially prolonged experiences like we’ve had with Covid-19, it is easy to focus on what we don’t have. It’s healthy to acknowledge loss so don’t deny or stuff those feelings. At the same [...]

Hope and Stability in the Midst of Covid-19

Wow! What happened to our world?! In just a few short weeks in March, everything has changed. Many began 2020 with a sense of optimism and hope having a “2020 Vision” for the coming year. Like you, I had personal and professional goals and expectations for the coming year. Things like weddings, graduations, and travel. [...]

The Value of Focus

I don’t know if it just me, but it seems like the opportunities to get distracted are endless. The internet, which gives access to unbelievable amounts of research, can become a distraction by chasing one article after another – often getting “hooked” and off target. Or perhaps it’s social media and following the stories and [...]

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