What is hope and why is it so powerful? Hope is an energizing agent. It is what keeps someone moving forward even against great odds. Sometimes hope can be a long shot while most of the time it is based on a certainty of a new and better outcome. For instance, most students face finals with the expectation and hope that the demands of the current school year will be complete and finals are behind them.

Hope is very important when we are stuck in a place we want to get out from. David in the book of Psalms stated, “Why are you downcast O my soul? And why are you disquieted in me? Hope in God for I shall yet praise him!” — Michael Pfau

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David was running from an enemy, King Saul, who was bent on his death and was willing to pursue David all over Israel to see him dead. But David discovered some keys that can help us if we practice them.

Points to Ponder:

First David spoke to his soul instead of allowing his soul to speak to him. This one principle is critical in replacing the lies of our self-talk with truth.

Second he placed his hope in God as good and faithful. Distortions of God’s character can lead to much heartache and difficulty in our lives if they aren’t discovered and addressed. That is why he could say to his soul ‘Hope in God for I shall yet praise Him’. David knew God can be trusted no matter what his circumstances looked like.

Third, David had a small group of friends to stand with him during this time. It’s been said that you can survive any difficulty with 2-3 good friends.

Who do you have in your life that is 110% for you and your goals? A life coach is one of these people, but others should be part of your inner circle of supporters as well.

So what about you? You’re probably not running for your life right now (at least I hope not) but you may be facing your own ‘enemy’. Perhaps it is an assault on your self perception, ‘You are too stupid, ugly, fat, skinny, undisciplined, unfriendly, disorganized, etc.’ (these are all things clients have related to me from their negative self talk). Or maybe it is an attack on your dream, ‘You’ll never make it. You are a phony. You’ll fail. No one will buy your product or service or attend your seminar’.

Whatever the message you are hearing it does not offer hope but instead makes you feel unsure, that life is scary and you are stuck and needing hope. It is an interesting principle but it seems that when an individual identifies a big goal or change they want to make in their life, as soon as they begin to move toward that goal, the negative self-talk kicks in and attempts to sabotage them.

I really would love to hear from you! Please email me or post a comment in the blog or on Facebook and let me know what is going on between you and God in your journey with hope and let’s encourage one another.