I was musing this morning that 2021 marks the 18th year of my coaching journey. There have been some great highs, like being part of Bruce Wilkinson’s “Dream Giver Coach Network”, to some great lows, like having only ONE coaching client four years later! So here are a few things I’ve learned along the way that I hope help you on life’s journey, particularly if you are struggling as a coach.

  • You must have margin – no margin = no mission.
  • It starts with YOU – Understanding how God designed you and orienting yourself around this.
  • It starts with YOU – willing to shift your identity to how God sees you.
  • It starts with YOU – taking small steps, and eventually a leap, to move toward the work God has prepared you to steward.
  • It starts with YOU – get out of your own way.
  • You can’t do this alone. You need community.
  • Learn from the mistakes and success of others.
  • Stay in continual dependence on God. We need to abide and listen daily to receive all He desires for us.

You’ll notice, like I did, that a key part to your success is YOU. Right. Of course! But it’s been a bit of a slow revelation for what this looked like for me.

In talking with coaches and consultants who are successful in their business and life they consistently stated that there was a point when they had to really address their identity and mindset. What I noticed is when I lose track of who I am, I’m susceptible to the comparison trap and trying something because it was successful for someone else. Warning signs that I am off course are anxiety, uncertainty, second guessing what I’m doing. Ouch! Maybe you can relate.

There is a better way!

It began for me with surrender. Yes, surrender my churning and begin to take God up on His offer to come and find rest. In this place of rest, He helped me sort through and deal with mindsets and beliefs that were holding me back. He showed me that I had resentments and fears that had been hampering my success from which He wanted to release me. Having a coach to process this with was crucial for the clarity and renovation God had and has for me.

Having lived this out myself I created a process that is repeatable and transformational.

I’ve been working for a few months with a client using this process. Here is a message I recently received from her:

“I would NEVER EVER bother you on a Sunday especially through text UNLESS I had big news! The Lord and I settled on what my business will be about!!! I can’t wait to share it with you! Please keep me in your prayers as it’s sensitive and I can be weak. Appreciate all of your life coaching and am so grateful that you’re a major part of this journey!!

This coach decided to slow down, let God meet her and do the transforming work in her around her identity. She chose to respond to God’s invitation. Now she is seeing the clarity she had been yearning for.

How about you?

If this is resonating with you let’s talk. Choose to take this as your invitation from God to leave frustration behind and step into His purpose and calling for you with clarity. I believe in you and, more importantly, God does and He is for you.