Hello and welcome to November! Are you ready to shake-off the pandemic and go on an adventure in 2022? If so, hang on and keep reading! The adventure starts with shifting your mindset. This month we are reminded of the importance of Thanksgiving for what we DO have. Human tendency is to focus on what we don’t have or what is wrong. This is because our brains are wired to protect us from danger. But when this self-protection is triggered too much or too long we get out of balance and can become anxious and fearful. The antidote is giving thanks. Gratitude. Focusing on what is going right. Focusing on what you do have. I encourage you to stop right now and give thanks to God for five things you are thankful for today. Someone I’m thankful for is my grandson who turns two this month!

This month is also a time to begin to lay the foundations for 2022. We want to finish 2021 well, but we also want to be sure to consider how we will live in 2022.

The Issue:

If you have been a subscriber for any length of time, you’ve heard me say, “It’s not where you are on the river of life but how you show up which will determine your success.” To show up well we need to have strong spiritual, physical, mental and relational foundations. Let’s start with the spiritual this week.

Let’s Unpack This:

A.W. Tozer said that a low view of God is the cause of a hundred lesser evils and a high view of God is the solution to ten thousand problems. How do you view God? How do you see him as the solution to whatever you need or want to see happen? Perhaps you’ve been praying and asking but haven’t received the answer yet. Have you considered, that perhaps, what you are praying for isn’t big enough? I’ve found myself praying for small goals at times. Things that don’t challenge me too much or stretch me too far out of my comfort zone. I think the cause of this is we tend to see the goal as the accomplishment, but God views the process in which we are shaped as we pursue the goal as the accomplishment. God wants the process to push our limits and stretch our faith to create deeper relationship and dependence on Him. Mark Batterson states, “It’s not about doing great things for God, it’s about God doing great things in us.”

What About You?

So how about you? As you make goals and plans for 2022, are they in partnership with God? Do they stretch your abilities, resources and faith? Will they lead you to deeper relationship and dependence on God? This truly is the way to live a life of adventure and purpose.

I’d love to connect to hear what your goals for 2022 are so leave a comment below. If this resonates with you and you’d like talk more about creating God-sized goals, or the fear that is holding you back, please schedule a 15-minute call and we can explore this together.