Will you really have a Merry Christmas?

Busyness and distractions are the enemies of living with intention and purpose. We are heading into the time of year when busyness is probably at an all time high for most people. Perhaps you can identify with this experience. You create goals and you are clear on how you would like your day, week and [...]

Why Does It Feel Like Something Is Missing?

Recently I found myself reminiscing on a Sunday afternoon about the many autumns our family has shared together. At that moment I realized that a change of seasons in my life is underway. Other than Christmas, autumn is the favorite time of year in our home. We absolutely love September through December! I noticed as [...]

Change or Die: The Value of a Supportive Community

This past January I began a series called creating an Inspired Retirement plan. This series contains parts from my new ebook called: 7 Keys to a Fabulous, Thriving and Rewarding Retirement, which will soon be available. If you would like a complimentary copy, simply email me and I will add your name to the list of those to [...]

One Action That Could Add Years to Your Life

This past January I began a series called creating an Inspired Retirement plan. I mentioned that while most retirement planning focuses solely on finances, an Inspired Retirement must include having a life plan. In February we explored mindset and a 3 step approach to re-shape and transform our thinking. I received a significant amount of [...]

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