Deeper Life Coaching Program

The Deeper Life coaching process helps clients live with greater clarity, focus and intention instead of a fog, distraction and responding to urgent. The process is based on a book which was published by Bethany House called “The Deeper Life: Satisfying the 8 Vital Longings of the Soul”. The book is written by a good friend and colleague Daniel Henderson (read more about him here).

This is a book that I’ve personally had input into and have seen it have a tremendous impact in the Christian community. It also lends itself extremely well to the coaching process. In fact, I’ve coached two 6 month groups as well as a number of one on one clients through the process. You can check out the first few chapters of the book here.

As a coach perhaps you, like me, desire to grow your coaching business by coaching clients towards clarity, focus and intention instead of living in a fog, with distractions and interruptions. The 8 Questions from the Deeper Life book provides a powerful coaching framework to do this and offers real value that you can show your clients. It will transform a person’s life, family, church, business, etc. as they work through each question.

As I worked with Daniel Henderson in the formation of the Deeper Life book I also wrote a 50 page coaching guide to train Daniel and a few other folks to coach people through the Deeper Life process. In fact, one coach I’ve had a chance to mentor and train is Jeff Spadafora, the former Director of Global Coaching Services for Halftime. Here is what Jeff had to say about the Deeper Life and 8Q Coaching process:

“Every now and then a book comes along that is both theologically sound and practical. Daniel Henderson has his finger on the pulse of Christians who are saved and growing spiritually, but are missing the connections between their theology and an actual life of joy and purpose. They wonder: ‘Why am I missing out on the John 10:10 life?’ Without being programmatic or too tactical, Henderson provides a sound process for people to live the life God originally intended them to live.”

The training consists of four recorded classes that are 1 hour each.  After the four classes are over you will continue to complete your own “Daily Strategic Renewal Plan” which will be supported and reviewed by myself.  The cost is $329 for the entire training and includes the 50 page coaching manual, several assessments not in the book.

Please let me know of your interest and if you have any questions. My Email address is:

Testimonial from Coach Kerry who completed the 8Q Coach Training and process:

“I have enjoyed The Deeper Life immensely.  While it is a commitment and requires both physical (time) and mental energy, it is certainly well worth it.  This process has helped me conceptualize my beliefs, values, priorities, goals, etc. in a way that made them succinct, effective and powerful as I move forward in life with them in mind.

This process has also helped me reconfirm those things that the Lord had already been speaking to me and live them out daily so that what I think I believe is actually happening in my everyday life.  It has helped me to keep the main thing the main thing, which is always a good thing!  This has been a very powerful experience for me and has given me tools to ensure that, as I simplify my life through this process, that it is congruent where it counts–in my day to day experiences with those I interact with.  Thank you Michael, for your guidance and direction and for inviting me to take part in this experience.  It has been and will continue to be so very worth it!”