Mastermind Group

The Mastermind Group is for newer or struggling coaches. There is a wonderful surprise as part of this group but first let me share the focus.

The group will focus on three areas:

– Your services and products
– Your systems and
– Your marketing.

The mastermind group is for 6-7 coaches or small business owners who are seeking to establish a coaching business. The goal is to get your business growing to the place where it will feel truly stable. We will help you clarify, if needed, your niche and go over each service and product that you offer, helping you identify new products and/or services that you could develop. We’ll also look at ways to refine what you are offering to be more effective and how to create a coaching program to demonstrate the value you will bring to your ideal client.

Next we’ll move to identify what systems you need in place to support these offerings and enable you work ‘smarter not harder’. Finally we will refine your marketing so it supports these services and products to generate fresh, creative ideas and stay motivated and positive. That’s where the Mastermind group comes in.

Most new coaches can’t afford to pay for an experienced coach, so that means they’re more on their own until they can generate considerably more income. The Mastermind group meets twice a month for one hour each time. One of the key benefits is the ability to draw from the energy, creativity, accountability, fresh ideas, etc. of the group. The special surprise is that you also receive one hour of one-on-one coaching with me for five of the six months (a $750 value)! This can be used for business development, consulting, even mentor coaching. The mentor coaching can meet the requirement needed towards the PCCI and ICF certifications.

The group makes a commitment to each other to work together for 6 months, with the goal that everyone in the group will have increased their income by the end of that time. The intent is to get everyone to a more stable, solid place financially with their business. The next group starts April 2022 and the investment is only $217 per month.

Remember that I limit the size to just 6-7 people so you will get my full and focused attention to help you establish and develop your successful coaching business. Feel free to schedule a short call where I can answer any questions you might have.

Here is the experience of two recent group members:

“As my CSM class is coming to a close, I’m listening to the other students ask questions about what’s next, how to build their business, marketing, networking, niche, etc.  They are concerned about not wanting to lose momentum once their core classes are done. I didn’t realize how much being part of your mastermind group gave me a boost.  Now I feel like I’m a couple steps ahead simply because I have thought through some of these business-building basics already.  Participation in your mastermind group was extremely beneficial.  I’m convinced that your mastermind class gave me an advantage early on as I was building the foundation of my business and I’m so grateful for all your help. Thank you so much!” – Jenny Imhoff

I had read about the benefits of joining a mastermind group and always wanted to be a part of one. Michael’s group provided an opportunity for that, and it was a great experience and took my coaching business to the next level. I was able to bounce ideas off group members, which helped me refine my marketing message. I had space to share my experiences, and receive support from the other members. When I started in the group, my systems and processes weren’t really solidified. However, by the time our six-month period was complete, I had many systems in place, I had several great ideas for future marketing, and TONS more confidence in my coaching business. I picked up a few new clients along the way from ideas the group provided, and overall, I think the group was a success for me and my business.”- Nathan Kreger  –