Giving Thanks even during Covid-19

The shadow of Covid-19 will influence how Thanksgiving and Christmas are celebrated for many of us this year. In times of trials, especially prolonged experiences like we’ve had with Covid-19, it is easy to focus on what we don’t have. It’s healthy to acknowledge loss so don’t deny or stuff those feelings. At the same [...]

Hope and Stability in the Midst of Covid-19

Wow! What happened to our world?! In just a few short weeks in March, everything has changed. Many began 2020 with a sense of optimism and hope having a “2020 Vision” for the coming year. Like you, I had personal and professional goals and expectations for the coming year. Things like weddings, graduations, and travel. [...]

Mindset: The Lies that Bind

Are Your Beliefs Hindering Your Growth? “Who do you think you’re kidding?  You’re never going to figure this out!”  There it was again: an old mindset.  I’d been working on a tech-related issue with my website and based upon experience, I knew that once I figured out the problem, it was going to be simple [...]

2020-08-05T13:30:28-04:00By |Mindset|0 Comments

Ready to Quit?

Starting any endeavor typically involves dealing with challenges. These can be mundane tasks, technical learning or just learning how to do something effectively and trying and re-trying until it works. Somewhere along the way we all feel like quitting. Quitting the activity or even the dream. This has happened to me numerous times. Most recently I [...]


Have you ever wondered how important hope is for your life? The Bible places hope alongside faith and love in the first book written to the Corinthian church. It states, “Now remains faith, hope and love. The greatest of these is love.” It is easy to see how important having faith and love is for [...]

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